Dr. Erika Bourguignon

Writings of Erika Eichhorn Bourguignon (1924–2015)

Information below has been compiled from personal records of Dr. Erika Eichhorn Bourguignon.* Viewable text is linked online (marked in blue below) when possible. Original manuscript is from Professor Bourguignon’s personal pre-publication drafts and may not correspond accurately to final versions. Additional articles may be added when permission is acquired. All publications listed in this document in addition to publisher, student, and colleague correspondence will be archived in The Ohio State University Library Archives.

*Dr. Bourguignon’s professional CV was ample yet modest—she preferred an abbreviated version that did not include book reviews, local lectures, derivative works, etc. An uncondensed list of her work is below. Any mistakes contained in this document are not hers. For questions or to suggest additions or corrections, please contact Trustee, Erika Bourguignon Charitable Trust.


Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1951
B.A., Queens College, N.Y.C., 1945


1990–2015 Professor Emerita, The Ohio State University
1966–1990 Professor
1960–1966 Associate Professor
1956–1960 Assistant Professor
1949–1956  Instructor
1980–1984 Chairman, Council on Academic Excellence for Women, The Ohio State University
1972–1976 Chairman, Department of Anthropology; 1971–72 Acting Chairman
1963–1968 PI/PD Cross‑Cultural Study of Dissociational States; (National Institute of Mental Health PHS Grant MH 07463)
1965 Lecturer in Anthropology, Dept. of Psychiatry
1962 Lecturer in Anthropology, Training Program for Psychiatric Residents Columbus State Hospital
1957–1958 Co-director and faculty, African Summer Program, Committee on International Studies, The Ohio State University
1956–1957 Coordinating Committee and Faculty, Latin America Summer Program, Committee on International Studies, The Ohio State University
1954–1955 Fulbright Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany (not assumed)
1952 (Summer) Instructor in Anthropology, Washington University, St. Louis
1947–1949 Research Fellow, Northwestern University; 1946–1947 Teaching Fellow
1945 (Summer) Research Assistant, Lab. of Applied Physics, Section of Alcohol Studies, Yale University
1945 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Sociology, University of Connecticut.


2008–2009 Paul-Henri Bourguignon Photo Collection: Peru 1950. Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
2000–2007 Paul-Henri Bourguignon Photo Collection: Haiti 1947–48. Wenner-Gren Foundation grant. Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
1990–2015 Austria and Jewish Emigration after 1938 Biography and Autobiography, Women and Religion
1986–1991 Cultural Factors in Women’s Career Choices, with A.W. Bellisari; funded by Ohio State University Distinguished Scholar Award
1985–1987 Co‑Principal Investigator, Untenured and Tenuous: Junior Faculty Women at the Ohio State University; OSU Affirmative Action Grant
1971–1972 Grant‑in‑aid OSU College of Social and Behavioral Sciences: Hallucinogens and institutionalization of ASCs
1969–1970 OSU Development Fund Grant for continuation of work in progress on cross‑cultural studies of ASCs
1963–1968 Cross‑Cultural Studies of Dissociational States. PI/PD National Institute of Mental Health grant PHSMH 07463
1966 Consultant, West Virginia Center for Appalachian Studies: Study on child‑rearing in the subculture of poverty
1955–1957 OSU Graduate School Advisory Committee on Research Grants, grant‑in‑aid for study of bilingualism
1948–1951 Research Assistant to D. Riesman, University of Chicago
1947–1948 Research Fellow, Northwestern University; fieldwork in Haiti
1946  Fieldwork, Lac de Flambeau Indian Reservation, Wisconsin
1945 Drinking Patterns of the New Haven Jewish Community, Alcohol Studies, Lab of Applied Physics, Yale University


2000–2003 Editorial Board, Journal of Haitian Studies
1996–2013 Editorial Board, Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology
1995–1998 Executive Committee, Central States Anthropological Society
1996–1998 Executive Committee, Anthropology of Religion Secretary, American Anthropological Association
1991–1993 Board of Directors, Society for Psychological Anthropology
1988–1992 Advisory Board, NWSA Journal
1980–1982 Nominations Committee, Society for Psychological Anthropology (Chairman, 1981–82)
1979–1989 Editorial Board, Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology
1977–1987 Associate Editor, The Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology (formerly The Journal of Psychological Anthropology)
1976–1979 Member, Board of Directors, Human Relations Area Files, Inc.
1975–1980 Advisory Editor, Behavior Science Research
1976 Prize Committee, Human Relations Area Files, Inc.
1974–? Advisory Editor, Behavior Science Research


2001 Nemzer Scholar, The Ohio State University
2000 Honorary degree: Doctor of Humane Letters, Queens College, CUNY
1999 Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for Psychological Anthropology
1993 Distinguished Lecture, Central States Anthropological Society
1987 Distinguished Lecture, Central States Anthropological Society
1986 University Distinguished Research Scholar
1984 Elected Honorary Chapter Member, Phi Beta Kappa, Epsilon of Ohio
1981 Elected Member, Transcultural Psychiatry Section, World Psychiatric Association
1963 Elected Fellow, Society of Sigma Xi
1954  Fulbright Professorship, University of Stuttgart, Germany (not assumed)
1947–1949 Research Fellowship, Carnegie Corporation of New York and Graduate School, Northwestern University
1946–1947 Fellowship, B.A. Program, Northwestern University
1945–1946 Tuition Scholarship, Northwestern University


Fellow, American Anthropological Association
Society for the Anthropology of Religion (formerly Anthropology of Religion Section)
Society for Psychological Anthropology (Board of Directors, 1991–94; Chair 1982; Nominations Committee 1980–82)
Central States Anthropological Society (Executive Comm. 1995–97; Distinguished Lecture 1987, 1993; Program Comm. Chair 1960–61; Treasurer 1953–56)
Haitian Studies Association (Editorial Board 2000–12?)
Honorary Member, Phi Beta Kappa
Fellow, Society of the Sigma Xi
Comité International sur les cultes de possession, 1968–70
Transcultural Psychiatry Section, World Psychiatric Association


Bourguignon, E. (2013). The painter’s eye: Paul-Henri Bourguignon’s Haitian photographs. American Imago, 70, 357–383. doi:10.1353/aim.2013.0020
Databases: Project MUSE, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest, Shibboleth
Excerpt: We of the industrialized world of the twenty-first century are awash in photography. As an anonymous Portside posting of March 9, 2012 reads: “As the camera shrinks in size, becomes ever present and hardly ever noticed, its impact just keeps growing.” Who could argue with that? The Portside writer’s take on this situation is distinctly optimistic: “The video record is our collective memory, our conscience, our shield against deception and amnesia; our political as well as artistic resource of choice.” But is it really? Is it not also pervasive surveillance and invasion of privacy? Can we be sure that the resulting pictures will not be used for the manipulation of the historical record, of our opinions and attitudes, whether political, aesthetic, or economic? Is it not true that at present the manipulation or “editing” of photographs, whether of events or individuals, is within the reach even of teenagers? How then can we distinguish the actual from the fictive?

Bourguignon, E. (2009). Dance and trance in ritual and performance: Haiti and beyond. In A. R. Walker, (Ed.), Pika-pika: the flashing firefly: Essays to honour and celebrate the life of Pauline Hetland Walker (1938–2005) by her friends in the arts and sciences (pp. 53–63). New Delhi, India: Hindustan. doi:10.1163/156853111X577631
Databases: Hindustan, OCLC WorldCat

Summary: “Pika-Pika” (a Japanese onomatopoeic expression conjuring up the flashing of fireflies) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-regional collection of academic papers written by twenty-two scholars,, of ten different nationalities and an even greater number of ethnicities. The authors, who are scattered across the globe from North America through the South Pacific to East, Southeast and South Asia, have contributed to this book because they wish to honour in this way a cherished friend, Pauline Hetland Walker, who lost her bold fight against breast cancer on Easter morning of 2005. The book includes contributions from anthropologists, sociologists, linguists and geographers, as well as from music, theatre and literary specialists. An eclectic collection of materials, which, incidentally, would have delighted the person whom they honour, all the individual contributions have been inspired, nonetheless, by Pauline Walker’s own special life interests.

Bourguignon, E. & Kanner, M. (2008). Psychological anthropology. In Z. Zhao & G. Chen (Eds.), Anthropology (pp. 124–148). Beijing, China: Renmin University Press. (In Chinese).

Bourguignon, E. (2008). What I learned in Anthropology: Reflections on change and constancy. In A. J. Kelso (Ed.), The tao of anthropology (pp. 92–100). Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Databases: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Each essay in this collection is written by an anthropologist in or nearing retirement. After a brief introductory statement about what drew them to the field, the contributors go on to share important lessons learned over the course of their careers. The result is a unique volume in the social sciences, one that provides insight and stories from experienced professionals and has the ability to be a source of guidance to a new generation of scholars.

Bourguignon, E. & Kanner, M. (2007). Possession. In F. Malti-Douglas (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender (pp. 1180–1181). Detroit, MI: MacMillan Reference. doi:10.1108/09504120810914394
Database: ResearchGate
Summary: This section in The Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender defines comparisons between possession and multiple personality disorders. In Western tradition, possession beliefs are rooted in Jewish and Greek sources. Non-Western people (Christian missionaries) often misidentified positive possessions by ancestral spirits with demons to be expelled. … Spirit possessions and rituals from Haiti, Cuba, Trinidad and Brazil come from the same African origins. … They are common, controlled, socially useful, highly valued, encouraged and satisfying. In India, where negative possessions and exorcisms are found, possessing spirits are those who are dead and most of their victims are young women. … In Judaism, victims are normally young women and spirits tend to be dead sinners who are men. A rabbi conducts exorcism by questioning the spirit. Exorcism has been seen as a means to treat perceived social and psychological disorders, which are caused by demonic possession. These disorders range from schizophrenia and depression to alcoholism and apparent character changes.

Bourguignon, E. (2005). Foreword. In E. S. Potoker: Managing diverse working styles: The leadership competitive advantage. (pp. v–x). Mason, OH: South-Western.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (2005). Geomancy. In L. Jones, M. Eliade & C Adams (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Religion (p. 513). Detroit, MI: Macmillan. (Reprinted from Death, afterlife and the soul, pp. 191–192, by L. E. Sullivan, (Ed.), 1987, New York, NY: MacMillan).

Bourguignon, E. (2005). Memory in an amnesic world: Holocaust, exile, and the return of the suppressed. [In B. Rylko-Bauer (Ed.), Bringing the past into the present: Family narratives of holocaust, exile, and diaspora.] Anthropological Quarterly, 78, 1, 63–88. doi:10.1353/anq.2005.0004.
Databases: EBSCOhost, ArticleFirst, British Library Series, JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC World Cat, Project MUSE, ProQuest
Summary: Much first-hand material has been collected by various institutions documenting the experience of Holocaust survivors. A constant stream of new primary documents and secondary analyses is being published. These accounts show some common themes, yet no two experiences are alike. In spite of this major effort at keeping memory alive, there is an equal push toward forgetting and/or suppressing knowledge of the Holocaust. For a number of years, the subject of the Holocaust was virtually taboo. As anthropologists, we can learn from other peoples (Haitians, Andean Indians) about how they have turned memory into mythic history.

Bourguignon, E. (2005). Necromancy. In L. Jones, M. Eliade & C. Adams (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Religion ((Vol. 10, pp. 6451–6454). Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference. (Reprinted from Hidden truths: Magic, alchemy and the occult, pp. 202–205, by L. E. Sullivan, Ed., 1989, New York, NY: MacMillan).
Databases: CiteSeer, OCLC WorldCat
Excerpt: Necromancy is a theme often found in myths, legends, and literary works. Such texts may describe communications with the dead or state their messages, but they seldom provide information on actual techniques that might have been employed in a given community. With regard to classical antiquity, Greek and Roman accounts deal with cases described in myth and legend, but there is no evidence of actual necromantic practices, whether in inscriptions or in documentation of specific historic events.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Globalization and the uses of spirit possession. In C. Casey and R. Edgerton (Eds.), A companion to psychological anthropology: modernity and psychocultural change (pp. 374–388). Malden, MA: Blackwell. doi:10.1111/b.9780631225973.2004.x
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Summary: This book provides a definitive overview of psychocultural anthropology: a subject that focuses on cultural, psychological, and social interrelations across cultures. It brings together original essays by leading scholars in the field, offers an in-depth exploration of the concepts and topics that have emerged through contemporary ethnographic work and the processes of global change. Key issues range from studies of consciousness and time, emotion, cognition, dreaming, and memory, to the lingering effects of racism and ethnocentrism, violence, identity and subjectivity.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Haiti and the art of Paul-Henri Bourguignon. Research in African literatures, 35, 173–188. doi:10.1353/ral.2004.0035
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC World Cat, ProQuest, ResearchGate

Excerpt: In the spring of 1947, the Belgian artist Paul-Henri Bourguignon (1906­–88) arrived in Haiti for a brief stay. He remained for fifteen months. What he found there affected his work deeply, and did so for the rest of his life. He had traveled widely before the war, exploring, beyond his own region, what were then far away and exotic places: Spain, Corsica, Yugoslavia, North Africa. He had felt deprived of the freedom to wander—among other freedoms—during the time of the German occupation. Now he craved the skies and the colors of the South, and the pleasure of dépaysement that he had found in alien lands.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Possession and Trance. In C. R. Ember and M. Ember (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology. Health and Illness in the World’s Cultures. (pp.137–145). New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. doi:10.1056/NEJM200411183512127
Databases: documents.mx, SpringerLink, OCLC WorldCat

Summary: Medical practitioners and the ordinary citizen are becoming more aware that we need to understand cultural variation in medical belief and practice… The Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology is unique because it is the first reference work to describe the cultural practices relevant to health in the world’s cultures and to provide an overview of important topics in medical anthropology… More than 100 experts—anthropologists and other social scientists—have contributed their firsthand experience of medical cultures from around the world.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Spirit Possession. In C. Casey and R. Edgerton (Eds.), A companion to psychological anthropology: modernity and psychocultural change (pp.355–371). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Suffering and healing, subordination and power: Women and possession trance. Ethos, 32, 557–574. doi:10.1525/eth.2004.32.4.557
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Summary: This article is an argument that, for women, possession trance constitutes a psychodynamic response to powerlessness by providing them a means for the gratification of wishes ordinarily denied to them. Powerful alter entities enable them to act out wishes they cannot express directly. Possession serves both as an idiom of distress and of indirect self-assertion, facilitated by ritualized, culturally structured dissociation.

Bourguignon, E. (2004). Trance dance. In M. Walter and E. Fridman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Shamanism (pp. 247–250). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: A comprehensive guide to world shamanism, emphasizing historical and up-to-date cultural adaptations. In 230 detailed essays, leading ethnographers and historians explain the general principles of shamanism as well as the details of varied practices.

Bourguignon, E. (2003). Dreams that speak: Experience and interpretation. In J. M. Mageo (Ed.), Dreaming and the self: New perspectives on subjectivity, identity, and emotion (pp. 133–154). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Databases: Ebrary, OCLC WorldCat, Project MUSE
Excerpt: The authors, who are all anthropologists, and some are also psychoanalysts, introduce new concepts about dreaming.

Bourguignon, E. (2003). Faith, healing and “ecstasy deprivation”: Secular society in a new age of anxiety. Anthropology of Consciousness, 14, 1–19. doi:10.1525/ac.2003.14.1.1
Databases: Wiley Online Library, OCLC WorldCat

Excerpt: At a time when there is a health care crisis in the United States, there is widespread appeal to religious healing of various types. Adequate research in this area is limited. Terms such as “ecstasy” are used inconsistently, limiting the usefulness of the term, producing confusion rather than understanding. A cross-cultural comparative perspective is offered.

Bourguignon, E. (2003). Foreword. In M. Goldish (Ed.), Spirit possession in Judaism: cases and contexts from the Middle Ages to the present (pp. 9–10). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. doi:10.1093/mj/kjg013.205
Database: OCLC WorldCat


Bourguignon, E. (2001). Part IV Mental illness, biology, culture, and altered states of consciousness: An interdisciplinary field of research. In A. Belick, (Ed.), Personality, culture, ethnos. Modern psychological anthropology (pp. 329–332). Moscow: CMbICA

Bourguignon, E. (2001). Section News: Central States Anthropological Society, Obituary in honor of James McLeod. Anthropology News, 40, 16
Database: Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (2001). Trance and ecstatic dance. In A. Dils & A. C. Albright (Eds). Moving history/dancing cultures: A dance history reader (pp. 97–102). Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
Databases: Academia, EBSCOhost, Scribd,  OCLC WorldCat, OverDrive

Bourguignon, E. (2000). Cinquante ans après: qu’avons nous appris? In A. Chlyeh (Ed.), La transe (pp. 33–38)Morocco: Editions Marsam.

Bourguignon, E. (2000). Consciousness and unconsciousness: Cross–cultural experience. Encyclopedia of Psychology (pp. 275–277). Oxfordshire, NY: Oxford University Press doi.org/10.1037/10517-103
Database: PsycINFO
Summary: includes the following topics: cross cultural perspectives; dreaming in traditional societies; the social use of dreams; group studies.

Bourguignon, E. (2000). Dreams: Cross-cultural dimensions. In A. Kazdin (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology (Vol. 3, pp. 85–88), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1037/10518-030
Databases: APA PsycNET, Scribd

Bourguignon, E. (2000). Relativism and ambivalence in the work of M. J. Herskovits. Ethos, 28, 103–114. doi:10.1525/eth.2000.28.1.103
Databases: British Library Serials, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat PhilPapers, Wiley Online
Summary: Melville J. Herskovits (1895–1963) is best known as a pioneer in the turn of American anthropology to Afro-American and African studies. He was one of the first among American anthropologists to emphasize the importance of Africa for an understanding of the cultures of the descendants of Africans in the Americas. A student of Boas, he vigorously championed comparativism, ethno-history, and cultural relativism, emphasizing the worth of each of the cultures he studied. It is less well known that he also contributed an important concept to psychological anthropology. He wrote of “socialized ambivalence” with reference to Haiti, but did not seek to apply it elsewhere and, indeed, never returned to it again. This paper revisits that concept in the context of Caribbean ethnography and considers its place in Herskovits’ work.

Bourguignon, E. (1999). Possession. In S. Young (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Women and World Religions (Vol. 2, pp. 786–788). New York, NY: Macmillan Library Reference.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Contributions were sought from non-Western as well as Western scholars for the 600 signed articles. Entries encompass individual religions and their variations, biographies, movements, issues, and the relationship of religion to the study of art, literature, and science. While broadest coverage is given to the major religions of the world, information is also provided on Sikhism, African religions, Santeria, and Native American religions and many others.

Bourguignon, E. & Rigney, B. (Eds.). Schneider, B., (1998). Exile: A memoir of 1939. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank
Summary: Bronka Schneider, E. Bourguignon’s aunt, and Bronka’a husband, Joseph, were two of the 30,000 Austrian Jews admitted as refugees to Great Britain between March 1938 and September 1939. It was not until 1960, however, that Bronka wrote her memoir about the year she spent as a housekeeper, with Joseph as a butler, in a Scottish castle. Bronka tells of daily encounters—with her employers, the English lady and her husband; the village locals; other refugees; and a family of evacuees from the slums of Glasgow. Erika Bourgignon provides historical, political, and cultural background of this period. Bourguignon is professor emeritus of anthropology at The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1998). Trance dance. In S. J. Cohen (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Dance. (Vol. 6, pp. 184–188) New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195173697.001.0001
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: With nearly 2,000 articles written by scholars from fifty countries, the Encyclopedia covers the full spectrum of dance—theatrical, ritual, dance-drama, folk, traditional, ethnic, and social dance. Cultural and national overviews are accompanied by entries on dance forms, music and costumes, performances, and biographies of dancers and choreographers.

Bourguignon, E. (1996). Altered states of consciousness. In D. Levinson & M. Ember, (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology (Vol. 1, pp. 48–50). New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co. doi:10.1525/eth.1996.24.2.02a00060
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1996). American anthropology: A personal view. Bulletin of the Council for General Anthropology3, 7–9. doi:10.1525/eth.1996.24.2.02a00060

Bourguignon, E. (1996). Vienna and memory: Anthropology and experience. Ethos, 24, 374–387. 
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. & Ucko, L. (1995). Cross-cultural study of dissociational states: codes, data and sources. World Cultures, an International Journal of Comparative and Cross-Cultural Research, 9, 4–13.

Bourguignon, E. (1995). Identity and the constant self. In L. B. Boyer, R. M. Boyer, & H. F. Stein (Eds.) The psychoanalytic study of society. A tribute to George A. De Vos. 19, pp. 181–212). Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II

Bourguignon, E. (1995). Possession and social change in eastern Africa: Introduction. Anthropological Quarterly, 68, 2, 71–74.
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII Collection, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1994). Trance and meditation. In P. K. Bock, (Ed.), Handbook of psychological anthropology (pp. 297–313). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Databases: Scribd, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1992). American anthropology today: A personal view. Mitteilungen Der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 122, S. 27–38.
Database: OCLC World Cat

Bourguignon, E. (1992). The DSM–IV and cultural diversity. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review 29, 330–332. doi:10.1177/136346159202900406
Database: OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1992). Religion as a mediating factor in culture change. In J. F. Schumaker, (Ed.), Religion and mental health (pp. 259–269). London: Oxford University Press.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: This interdisciplinary collection presents previously unpublished papers on the controversial relationship between religious behavior and mental health. Schumaker assembled a distinguished international roster of contributors—sociologists and anthropologists as well as psychiatrists and psychologists of religion—representing a wide range of opinions concerning the mental health implications of religious belief and practice. Taken together, the papers provide a comprehensive overview of theory and research in the field.

Bourguignon, E. (1992). Women’s experience: Fantasy and culture change. Essays in honor of George and Louise Spindler. The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, Vol. 17, 143–172. Hillsdale NJ: The Analytic Press.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Bourguignon reviews the Spindlers’ work over many years that repeatedly demonstrated, through the use of several objective techniques and statistical treatment, that men and women react differently to culture change across different cultures and time periods. Women were found to be more conservative but more flexible and thus better able to cope with culture change. Bourguignon discusses the relationship between fantasy and instrumental activity in women undergoing culture change. She presents data from her own work on women graduate students making career choices and women in possession trance religions.

Bourguignon, E. (1991). A. Irving Hallowell, the foundations of psychological anthropology and altered states of consciousness (pp 17–41). In L. B. Boyer & R. M. Boyer, (Eds.), The psychoanalytic study of society: Essays in honor of A. Irving Hallowell. Hillsdale, NJ : Analytic Press. doi:10.2307/480917
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1991). Hortense Powdermaker, the teacher. Journal of Anthropological Research 47, 417–428.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Hortense Powdermaker taught at Queens College for thirty years. In her autobiography, Stranger and Friend (1966), however, she is silent on that part of her career. As an undergraduate at Queens College during the war years, I recall Powdermaker’s work as a teacher with specific reference to two of her courses, “American Minority Peoples” and “Culture and Personality.” The former dealt with a field to which her own research has contributed. The latter covered a field in which she is less well known but concerned a movement in the anthropology of the 1940s which influenced her and in which she herself took strong positions.

Bourguignon, E. (1990). Human nature as “deep structure:” Implications for comparative study (pp. 308–325). In D. K. Jordan & M. J. Swartz (Eds.), Personality and the cultural construction of society: Papers in honor of Melford E. Spiro. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Databases: Project MUSE, OCLC WorldCat
Summary: A collection of 16 essays, this book examines the theories of Melford E.Spiro and considers various questions, including whether a social act can have functions and what sort of relationship exists between religion and personality.

Bourguignon, E. (1989). Competition and complementarity in the utilization of health resources in Africa (pp. 107–118). In K. Peltzer and P. O. Ebigo (Eds.), Textbook of clinical psychology in Africa. Enugu, Nigeria: Working Group for African Psychology
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1989). Multiple personality, possession trance, and the psychic unity of mankind. Ethos 17, 371–384. doi:10.1525/eth.1989.17.3.02a00050
Databases: AnthroSource, JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, Reference Repository, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1989). Trance and shamanism: What’s in a name? Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 21, 9–15. doi:10.1080/02791072.1989.10472138
Databases: CrossRef , OCLC WorldCat, psycNET, ResearchGate, Taylor & Francis

Summary: This article considers the implications of definitions and typologies of trance and shamanism for development and testing of cross-cultural hypotheses through a review of definitions, typologies, and use of key terms and related concepts in anthropology. Classifications range from narrow and highly specific to broad and inclusive coverage. Some restrict usage to traditional societies, while others seek applications to Western phenomena, whether faith healers and mediums, or poets, such as Walt Whitman. The concept of control, with a variety of meanings assigned to it, emerges as a significant variable in the comparative study of “trance” and “shamanism” as these terms are used by different authors in widely different manners.

Bourguignon, E. (1988). Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Malinowski, Mead, and the present state of anthropology. Central Issues in Anthropology 8, 71–92. doi:10.1525/cia.1988.8.1.71
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Summary: At a time when there is talk of a crisis in anthropology and of the lack of a dominant paradigm, self-reflecting anthropology represents a strong and polar contemporary trend. Applying historical and comparative perspectives of anthropology to contemporary anthropology, this paper argues that the roots of this trend are to be found in the works of Malinowski, Mead and Luckhohn.

Bourguignon, E. (1987). Alternierende Persönlichkeit, Bessessenheitstrance und die psychische Einheit der Menschheit (pp. 329–345). In H. P. Duerr (Ed.), Die wilde seele: Critical essays on George Devereux. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Database: Scribd

Bourguignon, E. and Hartraft, L. (1987). Anthropology and psychology: The vicissitudes of a long-term relationship—Theodore Schwartz. A Discussion. Unpublished?

Bourguignon, E., et al (1987). Junior faculty life at Ohio State: Insights on gender and race. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University.
Summary: Through analyses of interviews with a sample of tenure-track assistant professors, this publication looks at patterns and trends that promote or deter accomplishments for women and minorities. Headed by Erika Bourguignon, professor of anthropology, the eight-woman research team analyzed interviews with 42 faculty members in various departments of the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences. All were assistant professors in tenure-track positions but had not yet been tenured.
DRAFT ONLINE First five pages (recommendations)

Bourguignon, E. (1986). George Devereux (1908–1985). Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 23, 172–174. doi:10.1177/136346158602300220
Databases: deepdyve, SAGE Journals, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1986). Margaret Mead, the anthropologist in America: Proceedings of a seminar, Winter 1985. Occasional papers in anthropology, no. 2. Columbus, OH: Dept. of Anthropology, Ohio State University.
Databases: HathiTrust. OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. and Bellisari, A. (1986). Women’s Career Choices: A Developmental Model, and Women in Science. Funded by The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1985). Religion and justice in Haitian vodoun. In S. D. Glazier (Ed.), Symposium in honor of G. E. Simpson, Phylo46, 292–295. doi:10.2307/274869
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat
Summary: A short essay in which it is argued that in Haiti sorcery is a domain of power, that suspicions of power are forms of institutionalized envy, and that the system operates “within a fearful obedience to a harsh status quo. Justice is concerned with the maintenance of this state.

Bourguignon, E. (1984). Belief and behavior in Haitian folk healing. In A. J. Marselle , P. B. Pedersen, & N. Sartorius (Eds.), Mental health services, the cross-cultural context; cross-cultural research and methodology series (pp. 243–266). Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: This chapter discusses the role of possession belief in Haitian folk healing. It reviews various patterns of belief and ritual and their functional relationships to Haitian conceptions of personality and health.


Bourguignon, E. (1984). Beliefs and experience in folk religion: Why do women join possession trance cults? In D. Barnes, S. Jones, & R. O. Joyce (Eds.), Papers in comparative studies, 1982–83, 2, 1–16.

Bourguignon, E. (1983?) Altered states of consciousness (pp. 405–461). In A. Belick (Ed.) Personality, culture, ethnos. Moscow: SMBISA

Bourguignon, E. & Certletti, M. N. (Trans.) (1983) Antropologia psicologica. Roma: Laterza. (Reprinted from Psychological anthropology: An introduction to human nature and cultural differences. By E. Bourguignon, 1979, New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston)
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1983) Development and status of women. Details unknown.

Bourguignon, E. (1983). Kinship (Vol 16, pp. 473–475). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1983). Sex bias, ethnocentrism, and myth building in anthropology: The case of universal male dominance. Central Issues in Anthropology, 5, 59–79. doi:10.1525/cia.1983.5.1.59
Databases: AnthroSource, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Summary: Comparative studies of and by women have raised challenging questions for anthropological research and theory building. Although male bias has been widely discussed, other sources of bias are also seen to be at work, and their effects, it is argued, are not limited to research concerning the position of women. Myth building, instead of the construction of scientific theories, may result. The theory of a universal male dominance is used to illustrate this point.

Bourguignon, E., Bellisari, A., & McCabe, S. (1983). Women, possession trance cults, and the extended nutrient‑deficiency hypothesis. American Anthropologist 85, 412–416. doi:10.1525/aa.1983.85.2.02a00190
Databases: AnthroSource, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1982). Ritual and myth in Haitian vodoun. In S. Ottenberg (Ed.), African religious groups and beliefs: Papers in honor of William R. Bascom (pp. 290–304). Meerut, India: Archana Publications for Folklore Institute.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E., (1981). Idolatry. In World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, IL: World Book.

Bourguignon, E. (1981). Magic. In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. (Vol 18, p. 83–87). New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1981). Mana. In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. (Vol 18, p. 212–213). New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E., Somersan, S., Wolcott, C., Hausman, N., Peebles, J., (1980). In The children’s sphere: A study of American perceptions. Unpublished.
Abstract: A dichotomous division of life space into two domains of activity, pub1ic and domestic, has been treated as virtually axiomatic in much of the feminist literature, with a further identification of public/male and domestic/female. Thist study offers empirical data on the saliency of this distinction in the thinking of a sample of Americans. Findings indicate that a simplistic distinction between public and domestic does not reflect accurately the actual categorizations of life space made by contemporary Americans. Consequently, such classifications cannot be cross-culturally assumed.

Bourguignon, E. (1980). Comparisons and Implications: What Have We Learned? In A world of women: Anthropological studies of women in the societies of the world (E. Bourguignon, Ed.) pp. 321–342. New York: J. F. Bergin Publishers/Praeger.

Bourguignon, E. (1980). Introduction and theoretical orientations, In A world of women: Anthropological studies of women in the societies of the world (E. Bourguignon, Ed.), pp. 1–15. New York: J. F. Bergin Publishers/Praeger.

Bourguignon, E. (1979). Possession. Medical anthropology newsletter 11, 21. doi:10.1525/maq.1979.11.1.02a00220
Database: ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1979). Psychological anthropology: An introduction to human nature and cultural differences. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Databases: Goodreads, OCLC WorldCat
Summary: A text introducing the reader to Psychological Anthropology, which used to be taught as Cultural Anthropology. Provides useful information for reframing human behavior and societies.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Bourguignon, E. (1979). Ritual, play and psychic transcendence in native North America. (pp. 35–50). In C. R. Farrer, & Norbeck (Eds.), Forms of play of native North Americans. St. Paul, MN: West Pub. doi:10.1525/ae.1981.8.4.02a00220.

Bourguignon, E. (1978). Mound. In Encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 19, pp. 564–565), New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1978). Spirit possession and altered states of consciousness: The evolution of an inquiry (pp. 479–515). In G. Spindler (Ed.), The making of psychological anthropology. Berkeley: University of California Press. doi:10.1525/ae.1978.5.1.02a00150
Database: AnthroSource, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1977). Altered states of consciousness, myths, and rituals (pp. 7–23). In B. M. Du Toit, (Ed.), Drugs, rituals and altered states of consciousness. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema.
Summary: This paper represents a reanalysis of data from earlier studies supporting the hypothesis that cultural patterning of altered states of consciousness (trance) conforms to a monothetic general evolutionary scale of sociocultural behavior. Global correlations using holocultural methodology show trance type to be positively correlated with four selected evolutionary variables, two related to societal complexity and two related to subsistence economy.

Bourguignon, E., & Evascu, T. E. (1977). Altered states of consciousness within a general evolutionary perspective: A holocultural analysis. Cross-cultural Research, 12, 197–216. doi:10.1177/106939717701200303
Summary: This paper represents a reanalysis of data from earlier studies supporting the hypothesis that cultural patterning of altered states of consciousness (trance) conforms to a monothetic general evolutionary scale of sociocultural behavior. Global correlations using holocultural methodology show trance type to be positively correlated with four selected evolutionary variables, two related to societal complexity and two related to subsistence economy.

Bourguignon, E., Henney, J., Goodman, F. D., & Pressel, E. (1976). Communications. Reviews in Anthropology, 3, 1, 103.
TEXT ONLINE: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00988157.1976.9977219
Summary: Response to a review of Trance, Healing and Hallucination.

Bourguignon, E. (1976). The effectiveness of religious healing movements: A review of recent literature. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review 13, 5–21. doi:10.1177/136346157601300101
Database: SAGE Journals, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1976). Possession. Corte Madera, CA: Chandler and Sharp. Reissued (1991). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.

Bourguignon, E. (1976). Possession and trance in cross‑cultural studies of mental health (pp. 47–55). In W. P. Lebra (Ed.) Culture‑bound syndromes, Ethnopsychiatry and alternative therapies. Proceedings of the fourth conference on culture and mental health in the Pacific. Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1976). Spirit possession beliefs and social structure (pp. 17–26). In A. Bharati, (Ed.), World anthropology: The realm of the extra‑human: Ideas and actions. The Hague: Mouton
Summary: This paper reports on the results of a large-scale cross-cultural study of spirit possession beliefs and of the societal variables with which they are associated. Spirit possession beliefs were found to exist in 74% of a sample of 488 societies in all parts of the world. Such beliefs may be linked as an explanatory system to ritualized altered states of consciousness or they may serve as explanations for a variety of other culturally defined phenomena, ranging from illness to witchcraft on the negative side, and, on the positive side, they may serve as an explanation for various types of powers and skills. The distribution of these beliefs is dicussed and a typology of societies is presented in which societies that have possession trance (i.e. possession beliefs linked to altered states of consciousness) are contrasted with societies that have not institutionalized such states. A number of societal variables, derived from the Ethnographic Atlas, are shown to be significantly related to this typology. The implications of these statistical findings are discussed.

Bourguignon, E. (1976). Spiritualists. In _______  World Book Encyclopedia (pp. 620–621), Chicago: Field Enterprises Educational Corp.

 Bourguignon, E. (1975). Importante papel de las mujeres en los cultos afroamericanos. Montalbán, Anuario de la Universidad Catolica Andrés Bello 4, 423–431. Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Catolica Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1974). Cross‑cultural perspectives in the religious uses of altered states of consciousness (pp. 228–243). In I. I. Zaretsky, and M. P. Leone (Eds.) Religious movements in contemporary America. Princeton University Press. doi:10.1177/136346157301000105
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Erika Bourguignon, well known for her long-time interest in possession states, presents in this paper a comparative cross-cultural study of traits encountered in American “marginal” movements that are largely absent from “mainline” religious institutions. Experiences of a peculiar intensity that subjectively verify belief through ecstatic states she denominates as “altered states of consciousness” including both possession trance and trance but excluding those with minimal religious cultural patterning such as fever delirium and secular drinking or drug use, or mediumistic possession trance.

Bourguignon, E. (1974). Culture and the varieties of consciousness. (Vol. 8, pp. 47– 81) Current Topics in Anthropology: Theory, Methods and Content. Reading, MA:  Addison-Wesley Pub.
Database: OCLC WorldCat, OpenLibrary

Bourguignon, Goodman, F., E. Pressel, E. (1974). Foreword (pp. V–XVI). In I. I. Zaretsky (Ed.) Trance, healing and hallucination: Three studies in religious behavior. New York, NY: Wiley Interscience.
Databases: ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1974). Illness and possession: Elements for a comparative study. R. M. Bucke Memorial Society for the Study of Religious Experience Newsletter Review (Montreal), Vol. 7, 102, 37–46.

Bourguignon, E., Greenbaum (Ucko), L., & Murdock, G. P. (1973). Diversity and homogeneity in world societies. New Haven, CT: HRAF Press.
Database: deepdyve

Bourguignon, E. (1973). Preface: A framework for the comparative study of altered states of consciousness (pp. 3–35); An assessment of some comparisons and implications (p. 321); Epilogue: some notes on contemporary Americans and the irrational (p. 340) In E. Bourguignon (Ed.), Religion, altered states of consciousness, and social change. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.  (Reprinted in Institutionalisierte Ausnahmezustände, Psychopathologie im Kulturvergleich, W. Schoene and W. M. Pfeiffer, Eds., Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1980). doi:10.1177/136346157301000203
Database: OCLC WorldCat
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank
Summary: This book reports on an intensive, five-year research project dealing with possession around the world carried out under the direction of Bourguignon and completed in 1968.

Bourguignon, E. (1973). Psychological anthropology. In J. J. Honigmann, (Ed.), Handbook of social and cultural anthropology (pp. 1073–1118). Chicago: Rand McNally.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Anthropology. In Encyclopedia International Year Book, p. 80–81. New York: Grolier Publishing.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Dreams and altered states of consciousness in anthropological research. In F. L. K. Hsu, (Ed.), Psychological Anthropology, New Edition, (pp. 403–434). Cambridge, MA: Schenkman.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Evil Eye (Vol. 10, p. 543). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Foreword. In M. A. Rauf, Indian village in Guyana: The study of cultural change and ethnic identity. Leiden: Brill.
Summary: A revision of author’s thesis, The Ohio State University, 1969, published under title: Crabwood Creek: a study of cultural continuity and ethnic identity on different generational levels among East Indians in Guyana.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Numerology (Vol. 21, pp. ?). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Spirit possession and altered states of consciousness: the evolution of inquiry. New York, NY: Henry Holt.

Bourguignon, E. (1972). Trance dance (excerpts). In J. W. White (Ed.), The highest state of consciousness (pp. 331–343). New York: Doubleday Books.
Database: Goodreads, OCLC WorldCat
Summary: In this anthology John White brings together a diverse collection of writings by contemporary thinkers such as Aldous Huxley, P.D. Ouspensky, Erika Bourguignon, Alan Watts, Kenneth Wapnick, Richard Maurice Bucke, Abraham Maslow, and many more, and asks the question; What is the Highest State of Consciousness?

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Ghetto (Vol. 12, pp. 722–723). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Ghost (Vol. 12, pp. 724). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Giant (Vol. 12, pp. 727–728). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Palmistry (Vol. 21, pp. 214–215). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Sun Worship (Vol. 26, p. 18). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Sutton Hoo Ship Burial (Vol. 26, p. 81). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Tikal (Vol. 26, pp. 742–743). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1971). Tomb (Vol. 26, p. 834). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Afro–American religions: Traditions and transformations (pp. 190–202). In: J. F. Szwed (Ed.), Black America. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: This article surveys various types of Afro-American religions with emphasis on the Caribbean region, but includes references to the United States and Brazil. Diversity of religions are stressed, concerning contributions of African elements to their rituals and their systems of beliefs as well as in their religion to social change. African religious elements range from the orthodox African cults of northeastern Brazil to the mixed cults of the Caribbean and to the various forms of Negro Protestantism in the Caribbean and the United States.

 Bourguignon, E. (1970). Fortune-telling (Vol. 11, pp. 628–629). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Haiti et l’ambivalence socialisée: Une reconsidération. Journal De La Société Des Américanistes, 58, 173–205. doi:10.1177/136346157200900224
 Database: OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate
Summary: Starting with Herskovits’ concept of “socialized ambivalence,” author attempts to demonstrate how individual adjustment is made in a civilization whose two ancestral elements have never fully merged. Focuses on analysis of Rorschach responses of a young member of the Haitian elite. Discusses origins of the ambivalence in the social history of Haiti as well as subject’s background. This illuminates how elements of the so-called lower-class culture (e.g. vodou, spirit worship, etc.) as much as elements of Western civilization learned at school help to organize the world-view of the elite (despite their denial of the influence of elements of African origin).

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Hallucination and trance: An anthropologist’s perspective (pp.183–190). In W. Keup (Ed.), Origin and mechanisms of hallucination. New York, NY: Plenum Press. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-8645-6        Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Head Shrinking (Vol. 13, p. 908). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Hiawatha (Vol. 14, p. 173). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Holmes, William Henry (Vol. 14, p. 301). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Hoodoo (Vol. 14, p. 359). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Hrozný, Bedřich (Vol. 14, p. 301). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Hudson, Jeffrey (Vol. 14, p. 523). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Religious syncretism among new world Negroes (pp. 36–38). In N. J. Whitten & J.F. Szwed, (Eds.), Afro‑American anthropology, contemporary perspectives. New York, NY: Free Press.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1970). Ritual dissociation and possession belief in Caribbean Negro religion (pp. 87–101). In N. Whitten & J. Szwed (Eds.), Afro‑American Anthropology: Contemporary Perspectives. New York, NY: Free Press.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Examination of role of dissociational states and possession beliefs in two polar types of religious groupings in West Indian Negro lower-class populations: the Afro-American, Afro-Catholic spirit cults and the independent fundamentalist Pentecostal churches. Author focuses on Haitian vodû as representative of the spirit cults and the Spiritual Baptists or Shakers of St. Vincent as representative of the fundamentalist Protestant churches.

Bourguignon, E. (1969). Cross-cultural study of altered states: Final report. Columbus: Ohio State University Research Foundation.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: between 1963 and 1968, Ohio State anthropologist Erika Bourguignon held a Public Health Service Grant from the National Institutes of Mental Health to pursue research on dissociational states. She and her colleagues read and analyzed the ethnographic literature on this topic in a sample of 488 societies from all parts of the world. The result was that 437 or 90% report one or more institutionalized, culturally patterned forms of altered states of consciousness (ASCs). ASCs are defined as conditions in which sensations, perception, cognition, and emotions are altered. These are characterized by changes in sensing, perceiving, thinking, and feeling. In addition, these states modify the relation of the individual to the self, the body, one’s sense of identity, and the environment of time, space, or other people. They are induced by modifying sensory input either directly or indirectly.

Bourguignon, E. (1969). Demonology (Vol. 9, pp. 669–700). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1969). Devil (Vol. 9, p. 36–37). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1969). Dragon (Vol. 9, pp. 325–326). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1969). Dwarf (Vol. 9, p. 506). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1968). Charm (Vol. 6, p. 323). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1968). A cross-cultural study of dissociational states: Final report. National Institute of Mental Health Grant No. MH-07463. Columbus OH: Ohio State University Research Foundation.
Summary: With the support of a five-year grant from the NIMH, Dr. Bourguignon and her team studied ritualized dissociational states occurring in 89% of a worldwide sample of 488 societies.
DRAFT ONLINE (might take awhile to load)

Bourguignon, E., Ucko, L. G., Murdock, G. P. (1968). Diversity and homogeneity: A comparative analysis of societal characteristics based on data from the ethnographic atlas. In Occasional Papers in Anthropology No. 1. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University, Research Foundation.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: This report, a tabulation of societal characteristics across the six world regions of Murdock’s Ethnographic Atlas, is a useful by-product of an ongoing research project on the distribution and cultural correlates of trance and possession, or dissociational states. It is a compilation of Murdock’s data providing a background for evaluating the tabulations and attempting to describe the statistical distributions of characteristics and indicate some further steps in the cross-cultural research that this project will undertake.

Bourguignon, E. (1968). Divination, transe et and possession en Afrique transsaharienne. In A. Caquot & M. Leibovici (Eds.), La divination (Vol 2. pp. 331–358). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Bourguignon, E. (1968). Maladie et Possession: Elements pour une etude comparative. Unpublished.

Bourguignon, E. (1968). Trance dance. In Dance Perspectives 35. Brooklyn, NY: Dance Perspectives Foundation.
Database: OCLC Worldcat, Open Library

Bourguignon, E. (1968). World distribution and patterns of possession states (pp. 3–34). In R. Prince (Ed.), Trance and possession states. Montreal: R. M. Bucke Memorial Society. doi:10.1177/136346156900600104
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journal
Summary: this volume grew out of papers presented at the second annual conference of the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society held in Montreal in 1968. It was organized by Raymond Prince, who also edited the volume. The first section, by Erika Bourguignon, charts the distribution of the possession phenomenon throughout the world and is based on a three-year study of dissociational states. Such states were found to occur in 700 cultural groups in all parts of the world.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Amulet (Vol. 1, p. 767). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Animals, Sacred (Vol. 1, p. 887). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Animism (Vol. 1, p. 888). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Astrology (Vol. 2, p. 557). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Barter (Vol. 3, p. 276). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Cargo Cult (Vol. 5, p. 653). In L. P. Dudley, J. J. Smith, D. E. Dewey, D. H. Berry, & D. G. Creithon (Eds.), Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1967). Religious syncretism among new world Negroes. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1966). The Caribbean: The self, the behavioral environment and the theory of spirit possession. [Abridged from Context and meaning in cultural anthropology: Essays in honour of A. Irving Hallowell, by M. E. Spiro (Ed.). Glencoe, Illinois, 1965]. Transcultural Psychiatry, 3, 43–45. doi:10.1177/136346156600300117
Database: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat, SAGE

Bourguignon, E. (1966). Magic. (Vol. 15, pp. 83–87). In W. T. Couch (Ed.), Collier’s encyclopedia. New York, NY: Crowell-Collier Educational Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1966). Sampling. Published form unknown.
Summary: Bourguignon discusses Murdock’s “carefully selected sample” and his division of the world into ethnographic regions (1957) in relation to her work in the Cross-Cultural study of Dissociational States: Final Report. Columbus: Ohio State University Research Foundation.

Bourguignon, E. (1965). The self, the behavioral environment and the theory of spirit possession (pp. 39–60), In M. E. Spiro, (Ed.), Context and meaning in cultural anthropology. New York, NY: The Free Press.
Databases: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. & L. Pettay (1965). Spirit possession, trance and cross‑cultural research. Transcultural Psychiatric Research, 2, 13–15.  (Abridged from Symposium on new approaches to the study of religion, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh) doi:10.1177/136346156500200105
Database: OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Ghost. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 8, p. __). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Ghost dance. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 8, p. __). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing.

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Magic. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 11, pp. 211–213). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing.

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Ordeal. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 13, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Religion, primitive. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 15, pp. 364–366). New York: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Shaman. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 16, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Sorcery. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 17, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Spirit possession. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 17, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Totem. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 18, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Vision quest. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 19, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Voodoo. In American Oxford Dictionary, (Vol. __, p. _).

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Voodoo. In Encyclopedia Americana, (Vol. 19, p.__). New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1964).  Voodoo cult. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 19, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Witchcraft. In Encyclopedia International, (Vol. 19, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1964). Witch doctor. In Encyclopedia International (Vol. 19, p.__). New York, NY: Grolier Publishing

Bourguignon, E. (1963). Ancestor worship (Vol. 1, pp. 385–386). In J. J. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia International, New York, NY: Grolier.

Bourguignon, E. (1963). Cargo cult (Vol. 4, p. 101). In J. J. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia International, New York, NY: Grolier.

Bourguignon, E. (1963). Culture hero (Vol. 4, p. 361). In J. J. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia International, New York, NY: Grolier.

Bourguignon, E. (1963). Demonology (Vol. 4, p. 529). In J. J. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia International, New York, NY: Grolier.

Bourguignon, E. (1963). Divination (Vol. 6, p. 50). In J. J. Smith (Ed.), Encyclopedia International, New York, NY: Grolier.

Bourguignon, E. and A. Y. Chai (1963). Some observations on kinship terminology in Korea. Bulletin of the Korean Research Center: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 19, 29–41.

Bourguignon, E. (1962). A Cross-Cultural Study of Dissociational States. National Institute of Mental Health Research Proposal. Research plan.

Bourguignon, E. (1962). Voodoo (Vol. 28, pp. 233–234). In Encyclopedia Americana. New York, NY: Americana Corp.

Bourguignon, E. (1960). Voodoo. (Vol. 23, pp. 200–201). In Collier’s encyclopedia. New York, NY: Crowell-Collier Publishing.

Bourguignon, E. (1959). The persistence of folk belief: Some notes on cannibalism and zombis in Haiti. Journal of American Folklore, 72, 36–46.
Database: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1957). Study of the bilingual individual, with special emphasis on problems of acculturation. The Ohio State University Graduate School Record, 10, 3–5.

Bourguignon, E. (1956). A life history of an Ojibwa young woman. Primary records in culture and personality 1, 10. Madison, WI: Microcard Foundation.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
Summary: Bourguignon records the life story, collected in 1946, of a Lac de Flambeau woman. This is a literal transcription of conversations in which the personal names have been changed.

Bourguignon, E. (1956). Rorschach protocols from Haiti, Unpublished manuscript, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1956). Rorschachs of 75 Haitian children, aged 7–15, and 42 Haitian adults. Madison, WI: Microcard Foundation.
Database: OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E., (1955). Estructura de clase y transculturación en Haïti. Ciencias Sociales 6, 122–126.

Bourguignon, E., & Nett, E. W. (1955). Rorschach populars in a sample of Haitian protocols. Journal of Projective Techniques, 19, 117–124.
Database: Francis and Taylor, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1954). Dreams and Dream Interpretation in Haiti. American Anthropologist, 56, 262–268. doi:10.1525/aa.1954.56.2.02a00080
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1954). Reinterpretation and the mechanisms of culture change. Ohio Journal of Science, 54, 329–334.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1952). Class structure and acculturation in Haiti. [Adapted from paper read at the 30th annual meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, 1951.] Ohio Journal of Science 52, 317–320.
Database: OCLC WorldCat
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Eichhorn, E. (1951). Syncretism and ambivalence in Haiti: an ethnohistoric study. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University.
Available for inter-library loan through Deering Library, Northwestern University

Eichhorn, E. (1950). Field notes regarding Haitian school. Unpublished. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University.

Eichhorn, E. (1948). Thematic Apperception Test. Unpublished coursework.

Eichhorn, E. (1947–48). Haitian interviews. Unpublished fieldwork.

Eichhorn, E. (1947). Canzo: Initiation Rite. Unpublished field notes, Haiti.

Eichhorn, E. (1946). Chippewa Indians. Unpublished fieldwork report at Chippewa Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservation under the direction of Prof. Hallowell. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Eichhorn, E. (1940s). Report on Authority and the Family by Erich Fromm. Unpublished coursework.

Eichhorn, E. (1940s). Haiti. Unpublished coursework.

Eichhorn, E. (1940s). Róheim and the Psychoanalysis of Culture. Unpublished coursework for Hallowell anthropology class. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.


Bourguignon, E. & Lerch, P. B. (2009, February). A mentor: Stranger, friend, mirror, and compass. Remarks presented at Mirrors & compasses symposium conducted at the OSU Center for Folklore Studies, Columbus, OH.
Summary: What do mentors tell their students about being an anthropologist? How is this message conveyed through the mentor’s publications that are carefully combed by the student for hints on how to be a successful anthropologist? Sometimes it is filtered through situational advice written as letters to the student working in the field. A mentor is a stranger and a friend, to paraphrase Hortense Powdermaker’s book title about fieldwork. She is a stranger because she is often older and another generation whose life is partially hidden from view. She becomes a friend when she offers herself as a role model for her students to follow. Her life holds up a mirror and her advice acts as a compass to paraphrase Erika Bourguignon’s depiction of the salient aspects of anthropology. A student looks at her mentor’s life and hopes to read something in that life that will give her the courage to follow in the mentor’s footsteps. The student clings to her mentor’s advice like a sailor who is lost a sea clings to her compass searching for the right direction. This paper reflects on the mentoring relationship between Hortense Powdermaker and Erika Bourguignon as described in publication and public presentation by Bourguignon and a record of mentoring that is preserved in letters between Bourguignon and Lerch when Lerch conducted her first field research in Brazil.

Bourguignon, E. & Lerch, P. B. (2009, February). What happened and how can we make sense of it? Remarks presented in response to Egon Schwartz: What happened to the likes of us? at Mirrors & compasses symposium conducted at the OSU Center for Folklore Studies, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (2003, March). Faith, healing and “ecstasy deprivation:” Secular society in a new age of anxiety. Keynote address presented at the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, Las Vegas, NV. Anthropology of Consciousness. 14, 1–86. doi:10.1525/ac.2003.14.1.1
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library
Summary: At a time when there is a health care crisis in the United States, there is widespread appeal to religious healing of various types. Adequate research in this area is limited. Terms such as “ecstasy” are used inconsistently, limiting the usefulness of the term, producing confusion rather than understanding. A cross-cultural comparative perspective is offered.

Bourguignon, E., Bourgois, P., Waterston, A. (2002, November). Bringing the past into the present: Family narratives of holocaust and exile. Panel participant in B. Rylko-Bauer (Chair) & P. Farmer (Discussant), American Anthropological Association Centennial Meeting, Society for Humanistic Anthropology & Society for the Anthropology of Europe, New Orleans, LA.
Database: Ebscohost, JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (2002, October). Hungry people have hungry gods: Mythic history, cosmology and violence. Presentation to address Religion and violence sponsored by the Humanities Institute at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (2001, April). Exile and the other side of the fence. Presentation at Annual Nemzer Lecture, Hillel Ohio State Wexner Jewish Student Center, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (2000, November). Comments. Prepared remarks for panel discussion at Anthropology as Rite of Passage, CSAS Meetings, Bloomington, IL.

Bourguignon, E. (2000, November). Suffering and healing, subordination and power: Women in possession trance religions. Paper presented at Contributions to a feminist psychological anthropology, AAA Meetings, San Francisco, CA.
Database: Wiley Online Library, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1999, May). Stress, Symptom and symbol: Women as patients and healers in possession trance religions. Presentation at the Feminists Doing Psychological Anthropology Year 2000, Annual Psychological Anthropology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bourguignon, E. (1999, September). Genocide and other horrors. Talk at the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM.

Bourguignon, E. (1999, March). An American anthropologist’s reflections on the memoir of an Austrian refugee of 1993. Lecture at the Department of Germanic Langues and Literature, The Ohio State Univeristy, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. and Rigney, Barbara Hill (1999, January). Discussion of the historical, political, and cultural background of the period in the context of a Holocaust survivor’s life, Borders Books, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (1997, November). Constant cognitive processes and cultural variability: Why spirits possess people. Presentation at the Meetings of the American Anthropology Association, Washington D.C.

Bourguignon, E. (1997, October?). Notes for HSA Panel Discussion: Translocation and Transcendence: When is it Art? Religion? Commerce? Panel discussion: Translocation and transcendence. Haitian Studies Association, Detroit, MI.

Bourguignon, E. (1996, November) Religion and the four fields of anthropology: An old-fashioned view? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Summary: Altered States of Consciousness occur in the context of religious belief and ritual in the vast majority of human societies. They represent phenomena of considerable interest from the perspective of each of the “four field” individually. When combined, they allow us to make sense of them in their socio-cultural contexts. Such a multifaceted approach shows the intimate interconnectedness of the fields, and sheds light on humans as psychobiological/sociocultural beings. There is an evolutionary background to the human experience of ASC, and archeological evidence for its antiquity. There is biological, neurophysiological involvement in the behavior, although that is not as yet well understood. And there is a large body of  social, cultural and psychocultural material of documentation and analysis available in the ethnographic and theoretical literature. The symbolic dimension is reflected among other things, in vocabulary, esoteric languages and other aspects of language, including ecstatic utterances or glossolalia. It is argued that a full study of ASC in a religious context requires such a comprehensive approach as well as a comparative perspective. Since such states are frequently at the core of religious traditions, they necessarily are central to our study of essential aspects of the phenomenon of religion in human societies.

Bourguignon, E. (1995, April). The relationship of trance and dance. Presentation for conference Trance, Dance and Ritual: Sacred Movements in the World’s Religions. Center for World Religions, Harvard University.

Bourguignon, E. (1995, October). Teaching Psychological Anthropology. Fourth Biennial Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bourguignon, E. (1994, April). Conference on Trance. Consultant participant, Research Network on Mind-Body Interactions, Kiawah Island, SC.

Bourguignon, E. (1994, April). Women and religion: A view from anthropology. Women’s History Month Lecture at University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC.

Bourguignon, E. (1994, October). Who am I? Americans defining themselves: Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the American identity: Problems and potentials in the study of American culture. The Ohio State University–Mansfield.

Various participants. (1993, November). Bridging the discipline: Erika Bourguignon’s contribution to anthropology. Invited session at the 92nd Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.

Bourguignon, E. and Rigney, B. (1993, November). Exile: A Memoir of 1939. Barnes & Noble, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (1993, October). Egyptian women through the eyes of a turn-of-the century French woman: R. Salima’s Harems et musulmanes d’Egypte. Presented at the Comparative Studies Conference: Fantasy or ethnography? Irony and collusion in subaltern representation. Reprinted in Ohio State University Papers in Comparative Studies 8, 1993–94.

Bourguignon, E. (1993, March). Possessed by possession, or how one thing led to another. Distinguished lecture of the annual meetings of the Central States Anthropological Society. Central States Anthropological Society Bulletin, 28, 1–22. doi:10.1525/csas.1993.28.1.1
Database: AnthroSource, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1992, May). American anthropology today—a personal view. Paper presented at the Institut für Volkerkunde, Universität Wien, May 1992. Reprinted in Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 122, S., 27–38.
Summary: American anthropology today is a highly diversified discipline, which has seen rapid growth in recent decades. It had its origins in the study of the American Indian. This central concern of American anthropology gave rise to its characteristic “four fields” approach, making it an interdisciplinary field of research and teaching. The effect of culture on human evolutionary changes has been of particular interest. The study of Altered States of Consciousness (Trance) has also benefited form this interdisciplinary approach. At present there are divergencies between those scholars who hold to a scientific, generalizing, universalist approach and those who consider cultural anthropology to be a hermeneutic or interpretive discipline and who tend toward a radical (epistemological) relativism. Such a division is however neither unique to American anthropology nor even to anthropology but appears to be a general feature of the current moment in intellectual history.

Bourguignon, E. (1991, November). Looking backward: Thirty years of research in the anthropology of consciousness, Bulletin of the National Association of Student Anthropologists, 8, 8–11. doi:10.1525/csas.1993.28.1.1
Database: AnthroSource

Bourguignon, E. (1991, October). Teaching psychology: In search of problems and solutions. Workshop for the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Chicago, IL.

Bourguignon, E. (1990, April). Spirit possession: Cross-cultural perspectives on religious uses of trance. In African Religions in the Americas. Symposium conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

Bourguignon, E. (1989). Paul-Henri Bourguignon, d’Art. [Video] Nationally syndicated on PBS. Columbus OH: WOSU-TV.

Bourguignon, E. (1987, June). Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Malinowski, Mead, and the present state of Anthropology. 1987 Distinguished Lecture, Central States Anthropological Society. Excerpts Central Issues in Anthropology, 1, 71–92; Anthropology News, 6, 6–7. doi:10.1525/cia.1988.8.1.71
Database: Wiley Online Library.

Bourguignon, E. (1986, March). Anthropology: Mirror and compass. Paper presented as part of the 1986-87 lecture series honoring the 50th anniversary of The Ohio State University Graduate School, The Ohio State University, Columbus. OH.

Bourguignon, E. (1986, March). Anthropology: the bridging discipline. Open Court, The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1985, June). Belief and behavior in Haitian folk healing. Paper presented at the conference, Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy, East-West Culture Learning Institute, I, HA.

Bourguignon, E. (1985, June). Some thoughts on change and continuity. Speech presented at Phi Beta Kappa annual dinner lecture, Anthropology and the contemporary world. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Excerpts in Anthropology News, 3, 4–6.

Bourguignon, E., & Firebaugh, F. M., (Eds.) (1983). Development and the Status of Women. Women in development. Seminar, Spring, 1982. The Ohio State University (pp. 1–16)Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1978, October). World view and experience in Haitian vodoun. Paper presented at the symposium, The Haitian cultural impact upon the Caribbean World, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY.

Bourguignon, E. (1977, December). Context and content in Haitian children’s drawings (pp. 14–18). In K. Marantz and M. A. Stankiewicz, (Eds.), Limits and extents of international research in art education, proceedings of the first annual conference of the U.S. Society for Education through Art. Pennsylvania State University: Society for Education Through Art. Columbus OH: The Ohio State University.

Bourguignon, E. (1975, October). Speech presented for Women’s Day event, Fawcett Center for Tomorrow, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. (1973, September). Spirit possession beliefs and social structure. Paper presented at the session Ritual, cults, and shamanism, IXth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, IL.

Bourguignon, E. (1972, month unknown). Hallucinatory (drug-induced) trance versus possession trance: male and female forms of altered states? Paper presented at the Trance and Sex Symposium, The American Anthropological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Bourguignon, E. (1969, November). Hallucination and trance: An anthropologist’s perspective. Paper presented at Origins and mechanisms of hallucinations, 14th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychiatric Research Association, New York City, NY.

Bourguignon, E. (1967, November). Religious syncretism among new world Negroes. Paper presented at the Symposium on the new world Negro. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.

Bourguignon, E. (1966, March). World distribution patterns of possession. Paper presented at the second annual conference on Possession states in primitive societies at the R. M. Bucke Memorial Society for the Study of Religious Experience, Montreal, Canada.

Bourguignon, E. (1966, April). Class structure and acculturation in Haiti?. Paper presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Columbus, OH.

Bourguignon, E. and Haas, A. (1965, September). Transcultural research and culture-bound psychiatry. Paper presented to the meetings of the Western division of the American Psychiatric Association, Honolulu, HI.

Bourguignon, E. & Pettay, L. (1965, Month?) Spirit possession, trance and cross‑cultural research (pp. 39-46). In J. Helm (Ed.)Symposium and new approaches to the study of religion (Proceedings of the 1964 annual spring meeting of the American Ethnological Society.) Seattle: American Ethnological Society.

Bourguignon, E. & Bourguignon, P-H. (1954). Man and His Music. [A series of quarter‑hour radio broadcasts about folk music]. Columbus, OH: WOSU.

Bourguignon, E. (1952, November). Class structure and acculturation in Haiti. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, Ohio Journal of Science, 52, 317–332.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1951, April). Class structure and acculturation in Haiti. Paper presented at the 60th annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Section K, at Miami University, Columbus, OH.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1949, November). An analysis of some aspects of acculturation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New York, NY.

Bourguignon, E. (1949, April). Reinterpretation and the mechanisms of culture change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New York, NY.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank


Bourguignon, E. (2014). [Review of A Polish doctor in the Nazi camps: My mother’s memories of imprisonment, immigration and a life remade, by B. Rylko-Bauer]. The Antioch Review, 72, 603. doi:10.7723/antiochreview.72.3.0603
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2012). [Review of the book Haiti after the earthquake, by P. Farmer]. The Antioch Review, 70, 390.
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Current Scholarship Journals, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2007). [Review of the book Rumspringa: To be or not to be Amish, by T. Schachtman]. The Antioch Review, 65, 393–394.
Database: EBSCOhost, High Beam Research, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, ProQuest Literature Online

Bourguignon, E. (2007). [Review of the book Ten dollars in my pocket: The American education of a holocaust survivor, a memoir in documents, by E. W. Trahan]. The Antioch Review, 65, 578–579.
Databases: EBSCOhost, High Beam Research, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2006). [Review of the book Cut from whole cloth: An immigrant experience, by R. J. Franke]. The Antioch Review, 64, 575.
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2004). [Review of the book Pathologies of power: health, human rights and the new war on the poor, by P. Farmer]. The Antioch Review62, 175. doi.org/10.2307/4614627
Databases: EBSCOhost,  JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2003). [Review of the book Haiti’s predatory republic: The unending transition to democracy, by R. Fatton, Jr.] The Antioch Review, 61, 180. doi:10.2307/4614450
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2003). Letter to the editor. Three Penny Review, 93, 35.
Database: JSTOR

Bourguignon, E. (2002). [Review of the book Creating beauty to cure the soul: Race and psychology in the shaping of aesthetic surgery; Making the body beautiful: A cultural history of aesthetic surgery by S. L. Gilmann]. The Antioch Review60, 342. doi:10.2307/4614332
Databases: EBSCOhost, HighBeam Research, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat , ProQuest, ResearchGate,

Bourguignon, E. (2002). Holocaust Survivors. [Review of the book Generation exodus: The fate of young Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany by W. Laqueur; review of the book and video Into the arms of strangers: Stories of the kindertransport by D. Oppenheimer, and review of the book Reclaiming Helmat: Trauma and mourning in memoirs by Jewish Austrian Reémigrés by J. Vansant.] The Antioch Review, 60, 703–708. doi:102307/4614412
Databases: EBSCOhost, HighBeam Research, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (2002). [Review of the book Reinventing religions: Syncretism and transformation in Africa and the Americas, by S. M. Greenfield and A. Droogers, (Eds.)]. Journal of Anthropological Research, 58, 580–582.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (2001). [Review of the books How like a leaf: An interview with Donna Haraway by T. N. Goodeve; Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict: The kinship of women by H. Lapsley; Grit-tempered women: Early women archaeologists in the Southeastern United States by N. M. White, L. P. Sullivan & R. A. Marrinan (Eds.)]. NWSA Journal. 23, 202–206. doi:10.1353/nwsa.2001.0031
Database: ArticleFirst, EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI, OCLC WorldCat, Project MUSE

Bourguignon, E., & Howard, M. (2001). [Review of the film Lafanni Selavi, 2000 by L. Flynn]. American Anthropologist, 103, 814–815. doi:10.1525/aa.2001.103.3.814
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (2001). [Review of the book The Nazi officer’s wife: How one Jewish woman survived the holocaust, by E. H. Beer & S. Dworkin]. The Antioch Review, 58, 527. doi.org/10.2307/4614081
Database: EBSCOhost, HighBeam, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate.

Bourguignon, E., & Joseph, R. (2000). Correspondence: Power of an image, Anthropology News, 41, 3. doi:10.1111/an.2000.
Database: OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book Encyclopedia of precolonial Africa: Archaeology, history, languages, cultures and environments, by J. O. Vogel (Ed.)] Research in African Literatures, 31, 238–239. doi:10.1353/ral.2000.0042
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, Project MUSE, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book Ethnography of memory: An American anthropologist’s family story of refuge from Nazism, by G. Frank] American Anthropologist,102, 899–903. doi:10.1525/aa.2000.102.4.899
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, ProQuest, Questia, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book Mad travelers: Reflections on the reality of transient mental illnesses, by I. Hacking]. The Antioch Review58, 120. doi:10.2307/4613963
Databases: EBSCOhost, HighBeam, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest, ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book Possession and law in Ewe voodoo, by J. Rosenthal, by I. Zertal]. The Antioch Review, 58, 121. doi.org/10.2307/4613966
Database: EbscoHost, HighBeam, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book The social construction of what? by I. Hacking]. The Antioch Review, 58, 379. doi:10.2307/4614042
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (2000). [Review of the book Western rationality and the angel of dreams: Self, psyche, dreaming by M. L. Wax]. American Anthropologist, 102, 962–963. doi:10.1525/aa.2000.102.4.962
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC Worldcat, ProQuest Arts & Humanities, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1999). [Review of the book From catastrophe to power: Holocaust survivors and the emergence of Israel, by I. Zertal]. The Antioch Review57, 571–572. doi:10.2307/4613919
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1999). [Review of the book Possession and law in Ewe voodoo, by J. Rosenthal]. Journal of Anthropological Research, 55, 322–323.
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1999). [Review of the book Videos of African and African-related performance: An annotated bibliography, by C. L. Dworkin]. African Music, 4, 190–191.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VIII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1999). [Review of the book Walking with ghosts: A Jewish childhood in wartime Vienna, by E. W. Trahan]. The Antioch Review, 57, 116.  doi:10.2307/4613826
Databases: EBSCOhost, HighBeam, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E., & Howard, M. (1998). [Review of the video The Haitians, the healers, and the anthropologist. Two case studies, by P. Singer]. American Anthropologist, 100, 773–774. doi:10.1525/aa.1998.100.3.773
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1998). [Review of the book Hystories: Hysterical epidemics and modern media by E. Showalter]. The Antioch Review, 56, 112. doi:10.2307/4613631
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1998). [Review of the book A tale of two continents: A physicist’s life in a turbulent world by A. Pais]. The Antioch Review56, 240–241. doi.org/10.2307/4613686
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1998). [Review of the book There is no place like home: Anthropological perspectives on housing and homelessness in the United States, by A. L.  Dehevenon]. The Antioch Review, 56, 241–242. doi.org/10.2307/4613688
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1997). [Review of the book Bettelheim: A life and a legacy, by N. Sutton]. The Antioch Review, 55, 234–235.
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1997). [Review of the book Encyclopedia of Precolonial Africa: Archeology, history, languages, cultures, and environments by J. O. Vogel (Ed.)]. Research in African Literatures 31, 238–239. doi:10.1353/ral.2000.0042
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, ProjectMuse, ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1997). [Review of the book Obeah – Hexerei in der Karibik – zwischen macht und ohnmacht, by N. Götz]. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 71, 332–334.
Databases: elibrary, DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, JSTOR Arts and Sciences IX, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1997). [Review of the book Smart Jews: The construction of the image of Jewish superior intelligence, by S. L. Gilman]. The Antioch Review, 55, 377–378. doi:10.2307/4613555
Database: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1997). [Review of the book Spirits in culture, history, and mind by J. M. Mageo & A. Howard (Eds.)]. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 36, 474. doi:10.2307/1387867
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1996). [Review of the book: Das exil der götter: Geschichte und vorstellungswelt einer afrokubanischen, by S. Palmié]. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 70, 150–152.
Databases: JSTOR Iberoamérica Collection, DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1996). [Review of the book Haiti, history, and the gods, by J. Dayan] The Antioch Review, 54, 362–363. doi:10.2307/4613360
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences V, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1996). [Review of the book Spirit possession and personhood among the Kel Ewey Tuareg, by S. J. Rasmusse]. Journal of Anthropological Research52, 363–364.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1995). Review of the book Jesus the healer: Possession, trance, and Christian origins, by S. Davies] Publisher unknown.

Bourguignon, E. (1995). Critique of the anthropology of religion [Review of the book The naturalness of religious ideas: A cognitive theory of religious ideas by P. Boyer]. Current Anthropology, 36, 385–386.
Database: JSTOR Arts & Sciences I Collection, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1995). [Review of the book The possessed and the dispossessed: Spirits, identity, and power in a Madagascar migrant town, by L. A. Sharp]. American Ethnologist, 22, 425–426.
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1994). [Review of the book Trance and possession in Bali: A window on western multiple personality, possession disorder and suicide, by L. K. Suryani]. American Anthropologist, 96, 991–992.
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection, ProQuest, Wiley Online Library, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E., & Ucko, L. G. (1993). Comment on Shaara and Strathern. American Anthropologist, 95, 160–162.
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1992). [Review of the book Dream and culture: An anthropological study of the western intellectual tradition, by S. Parman]. American Anthropologist, 94, 512–513. doi:10.1525/aa.1992.94.2.02a00810
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1992). [Review of the book Dreams and professional personhood: The contexts of dream telling and dream interpretation among American psychotherapists, by M-T. B. Dombeck]. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 6, 313–314. doi:10.1525/maq.1992.6.3.02a00120
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, Wiley Online, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1991). [Review of the book Music and dance: A theory of the relations between music and possession by G. Rouget & B. Biebuyck]. MAN, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 26, 576. doi:10.2307/2803912
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1991). [Review of the book Ritual criticism: Case studies in its practice, essays on its theory, by R. L. Grimes]. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 30, 343–344. doi.org/10.2307/1386999
Databases: EBSCOhost, JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1990). Beliefs about belief, or whose folk psychology? [Review of the book From folk psychology to cognitive science: The case against belief by S. P. Stich.] New Scholar, 11, 1–9.

Bourguignon, E. (1990). [Review of the book Dreaming: Anthropological and psychological interpretations, by B. Tedlock]. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 4, 230–233. doi:10.1525/maq.1990.4.2.02a00140
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1990). [Review of the books Persuasions of the witch’s craft: ritual magic in contemporary England, by T. M. Luhrmann, and Religion, science, and magic: In concert and in conflict by J. Neusner & E. S. Frerichs (Eds.)]. American Anthropologist, 92, 512–513. doi:10.1525/aa.1990.92.2.02a00280
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1990). [Review of the book Self, sex and gender in cross-cultural fieldwork, by T. L. Whitehead and M. E. Conaway, (Eds.)] Motif: International Review of Research in Folklore and Literature, 10, 13–14.

Bourguignon, E. (1990). [Review of the book Wombs and alien spirits: Women, men and the Zar cult in northern Sudan, by J. Boddy]. Folklore Newsletter, 7, 2 6–7.

Bourguignon, E. (1989). [Review of the book Passage of darkness: The ethnobiology of the Haitian zombie, by W. Davis]. The Journal of American Folklore, 102, 495–497. doi:10.2307/541796
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1987). [Review of the book Hidden truths magic, alchemy, and the occult by L. E. Sullivan (Ed.)]. Publication unknown.

Bourguignon, E. (1987). [Review of the book Knowledge, belief and witchcraft: Analytic experiments in African philosophy, by B. Hallen & J. O. Sodipo]. The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 20, 531–532. doi:10.2307/219712
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC Worldcat

Bourguignon, E. (1987). [Review of the book Marchin’ the pilgrims home: Leadership and decision-making in an Afro-Caribbean faith, by S. D. Glazier]. The Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology, 10, 59–62.

Bourguignon, E. (1987). [Review of the book, The passion of Ansel Bourne/multiple personality in American culture, by M. G. Kenny]. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 24, 207–210. doi:10.1177/136346158702400308
Database: OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1987). [Review of the book, The Scapegoat, by R. Girard]. Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology, 10, 296–298.

Bourguignon, E. (1986). [Review of Caribbean transformations by S. M. Mintz]. Man, 29, 159. doi.org/10.2307/2802677; (1976) Hispanic American American Review, 55, 790-791. doi:10.2307/2511967
Database: JSTOR Arts & Sciences I, JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat,Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1986). [Review of the book Symbol, faith, and ritual and the success of healers: A Mexican case by K. Finkler]. Reviews in Anthropology, 13, 56–64. doi:10.1080/00988157.1986.9977760
Database: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat, Taylor & Francis Online

Bourguignon, E. (1985). Comment on: E. W. Davis: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombi. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 22, 190–192. doi:10.1177/136346158502200305
Database: SAGE

Bourguignon, E. (1985). [Review of the book Music and Trance: A Theory of the Relations between music and posession, by G. Rouget]. The Journal of Psychohistory 19, 361–364.

Bourguignon, E. (1985). Comment on R. Noll: Translocation and Transcendence as a cultural phenomenon: The role of visions in shamanismCurrent Anthropology, 26, 451–452.
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1984). Comment on A. Agh: On the thick and the thin: On the interpretive theoretical program of Clifford Geertz by P. Shankman. Current Anthropology, 25, 270. doi:10.1086/203135
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1984). [Review of the book Patterns and perceptions of menstruation: A world health organization international collaborative study by B. Christian & R. Snowden (Eds.)] The Women’s Studies Review, The Ohio State University 6, 2, 3–4.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1984). [Review of the book Perspectives on pentecostalism: Case studies from the Caribbean and Latin America, by S. D. Glazier (Ed.)] Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide, 58, 117–119.
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences IX Collection, OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1984). [Review of the book Shamans, mystics and doctors: A psychological inquiry into India and its healing traditions by S. Kakar.] Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology. 7, 212–215.

Bourguignon, E. (1983). [Review of the book Ecstasy and healing in Nepal: An ethnopsychiatric study of tamang shamanism, by L. Peters]. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 20, 119–123. doi:10.1177/136346158302000206
Database: SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1983). [Review of the book Emerging from the chrysalis: Studies in rituals of women’s initiation, by B. Lincoln]. The Women’s Studies Review, The Ohio State University, 5, 6.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1983). [Review of the book General and theoretical issues: L’experience hallucinogene (The hallucinogenic experience), by J. P. Valla]. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 20, 259–261. doi:10.1177/136346158302000402
Databases: CrossRef, SAGE Journals, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1983). [Review of the book The sweetness of the fig, aboriginal women in transition by V. Huffer]. The Women’s Studies Review, The Ohio State University, 5, 7.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1982). Comment on M. Winkelman: Magic: A theoretical reassessment [and comments and replies]. Current Anthropology, 23, 37–66.
Databases: Academia, JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1982). [Review of Human spirits: A cultural account of trance in Mayotte, by M. Lambek]. MANThe Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17, 796. doi.org/10.2307/2802070
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Bourguignon E. (1982). [Review of the book Myths of male dominance: Collected articles on women cross-culturally by E. B. Leacock]. The Women’s Studies Review, The Ohio State University, 4, 5–6.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1982). [Review of the article Possession and exorcism in contemporary America, by E. M. Pattison & R. M. Wintrob]. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 19, 131–133]. doi:10.1177/136346158201900213
Database: SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1982). [Review of the book Women and colonization by M. Etienne & E. Leacock (Eds.)]. Women’s Studies Review 4, 6–7.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Bourguignon, E. (1982). [Review of the book Women and society: An anthropological reader, by S. W. Tiffany (Ed.)]. The Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology, 4, 380–384.

Bourguignon, E. (1981). [Review of the book Culture in context: Selected writings of Weston La Barre, by W. La Barre]. American Anthropologist, 83, 962–963. doi:10.1525/aa.1981.83.4.02a00550
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1981). [Review of the book The Nandi of Kenya: Life Crisis Rituals in a Period of Change, by M. S. Langley]. In unknown publication.

Bourguignon, E. (1981). [Review of  the book To windward of the land: The occult world of Alexander Charles by J. C. Beck]. The American Anthropologist, 94, 241–242.
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1980). [Review of the book The African religions of Brazil: Toward a sociology of the interpenetration of civilizations, by R. Bastide]. The Journal of American Folklore, 93, 477–478. doi:10.2307/539887
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1980). [Review of the book Ethnopsychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis and anthropology as complementary frames of reference, by G. Devereux]. American Anthropologist, 82, 450–451. doi:10.1525/aa.1980.82.2.02a00680
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1980). [Review of the book Ideas about ultimate reality and meaning in Haitian vodun by G. E. Simpson]. Ultimate reality and meaning, 3, 233.

Bourguignon, E. (1979). [Review of the book Rites and Relationships: Rites of Passage and Contemporary Anthropology by M. Vizedom]. The Journal of Psychological Anthropology, 2, 273–274.

Bourguignon, E. (1979). [Review of the book When God was a woman by M. Stone]. The Journal of Psychological Anthropology, 2, 265–267.

Bourguignon, E. (1978). [Review of the book Case studies in spirit possession, by V. Crapanzano & V. Garrison (Eds.)] American Ethnologist, 5, 1, 186–188. doi:10.1525/ae.1978.5.1.02a00150
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1978). [Review of the book Socialization as cultural communication: Development of a theme in the work of Margaret Mead, by T. Schwartz, (Ed.)]. American Anthropologist, 80, 413–414. doi:10.1525/aa.1978.80.2.02a00440
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1977). [Review of Contributions to anthropology: Selected papers of A. Irving Hallowell Introduction by R. D. Fogleson]. Ethnohistory24, 1, 65–66. doi.org/10.2307/480917
Databases: EBSCO, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1976). [Review of the book Bongo, Bacra and Coolie: Jamaican roots, recordings and notes, by K. M. Bilby; Vodun-Rada rite for Erzulie, recordings and notes by V. Gillis]. African Arts, 10, 93–94.
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VII, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1975). [Review of the book African magic in Latin America: Santeria, by M. Gonzalez-Wippler]. Hispanic American Historical Review, 55, 163.

Bourguignon, E. (1975). The Age of Possession. [Review of the book The Mind Possessed by W. Sargant]. PsycCritiques, 20, 244–245.
Databases: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1975). [Review of the book Caribbean Transformations, by S. Mintz]. The Hispanic American Historical Review, 55, 4, 790–791. doi:10.2307/2511967
Database: JSTOR Arts & Sciences I, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, JSTOR Iberoamérica, OCLC WorldCat, WileyOnline

Bourguignon, E. (1975). Signs of the impending apocalypse? [Review of the books Changing perspectives in the scientific study of religion by A. W. Eister, (Ed.); Hebrew christianity: The thirteenth tribe by B. Z. Sobel (Ed.); On the margin of the visible: Sociology, the esoteric, and the occult by E. A. Tiryakian,] Reviews in Anthropology, 2, 466–473. doi:10.1080/00988157.1975.9977195
Database: OCLC WorldCat, Taylor and Francis Online

Bourguignon, E. (1974). [Review of the book Ceremonial spirit possession in Africa and Afro-America, by S. Walker]. Caribbean Studies, 14, 199–201.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI JSTOR Iberoamérica, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1974). [Review of the book Cultos Afroamericanos, by A. Pollak-Eltz]. Journal of American Folklore, 87, 382–383.

Bourguignon, E. (1973). [Rejoinder to C. Sterlin regarding his critique of Haiti et l’ambivalence socialisee: une reconsideration (Haiti and Socialized Ambivalence)] Transcultural Psychiatric Research, 10, 85–87. doi:10.1177/136346157301000130
Database: CrossRef, SAGE Journals, OCLC Worldcat

Bourguignon, E. (1973). [Review of the book General and theoretical: Sociotherapy and psychotherapy, by M. Edelson]. American Anthropologist, 75, 409. doi:10.1525/aa.1973.75.2.02a00240
Database: CrossRef , JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1973). [Comment on Understanding beliefs: An essay on the methodology of the statement and analysis of belief systems, by R. A. Hahn]. Current Anthropology, 14, 224–225

Bourguignon, E. (1971). [Review of the book Sex roles: Evolution or revolution? by G. H. Seward and R. C. Williamson (Eds.)]. Contemporary Psychology, 16, 9.
Database: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1970). [Review of the book The invisibles: voodoo gods in Haiti, by F. Huxley]. American Anthropologist, 72, 415–417.
doi: 10.1525/aa.1970.72.2.02a00440
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1970). [Review of the book Island possessed, by K. Dunham], American Anthropologist, 72, 1132–1133. 
doi:10.1525/aa.1970.72.5.02a00420 Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1970). [Review of the book “Possession states” in Indian patients by J. S. Teja, B. S. Khanna, and T. B. Subrahmanyam], Indian Journal of Psychiatry 12, 71–87. 9, 135–137. doi:10.1177/136346157200900216
Databases: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat, SAGE Journals

Bourguignon, E. (1968). [Comment on Fernandez Review. American Anthropologist, 70, 572. doi10.1525/aa.1968.70.3.02a00210
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1968). [Comments on discussion concerning spirit possession in New Guinea possession on the New Guinea highlands by L. L. Langness & R. Salisbury]. Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, 5, 197–200. doi:10.1177/136346156800500229
Database: SAGE

Bourguignon, E. (1968). [Review of the book Sociologie des maladies mentales, by R. Bastide]. American Anthropologist, 70, 172–173. doi:10.1525/aa.1968.70.1.02a00900
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1967). [Review of the book Religions et magies indiennes d’Amérique du Sud, by A. Métraux. American Anthropologist, 70, 782–783. doi:10.1525/aa.1968.70.4.02a00300
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1964). [Comment on the book Ceremonial drinking in an Afro-Brazilian cult by S. Leacock]. American Anthropologist, 66, 1393–1394.
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1964). [Review of The drum and the hoe: Life and lore of the Haitian people by H. Courlander]. MAN, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute64, 162.
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences I, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1964). More on the equine subconscious: Comment on Utley’s comment on Gladwin. American Anthropologist, 66, 1391–1393.
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1963). [Review of the book Deprivation and maternal care: A reassessment of its effects by M. S. Ainsworth]. Marriage and Family Living25, 501–502. doi:10.2307/349060
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1963). [Comments on the book The education of sociologists in the United States by E. Sibley]. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1963.

Bourguignon, E. (1962). Review of the book On the dyadic contract, by G. M. Foster. American Anthropologist, 64, 1301. doi:10.1525/aa.1962.64.6.02a00140
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II Collection, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1961). [Review of the book: Children of their fathers: Growing up among the Ngoni of Nyasaland, by M. Read]. Marriage and Family Living, 23, 212–213. doi:10.2307/347756
 Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate

Bourguignon, E. (1961). [Review of the book Voodoo in Haiti, by A. Metraux], Caribbean Studies, 1, 3, 30–31.
Database: JSTOR Arts and Sciences VI, JSTOR Iberoamérica, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1959). [Notes sur la structure sociale des Bamileke, by J. Hurault. American Anthropologist, 61, 531. doi10.1525/aa.1959.61.3.02a00270
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1959). The persistence of folk belief: Some notes on cannibalism and zombis in Haiti. The Journal of American Folklore, 72, 36–46. doi:10.2307/538386
Databases: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, E. (1958). [Review of the book Die twiden, pygmäen und pygmoide im tropischen Afrika, by Martin Gusinde]. American Anthropologist, 60, 179–180. doi:10.1525/aa.1958.60.1.02a00290
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Bourguignon, E. (1958). Ethnology and Ethnography [Review of the book Haïti: la terre, les hommes et les dieux by A. Métraux]. American Anthropologist, 60, 1217–1218. doi:10.1525/aa.1958.60.6.02a00320
Databases: CrossRef , JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1957). [Review of the book The European and the Indian] by H. G. Smith. American Anthropologist, 59, 729. doi:10.1525/aa.1957.59.4.02a00310
Databases: HaithiTrust, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1957). [Review of the book Orto y ocaso del feminismo by C. Colmeiro-LaForet]. Marriage and Family Living, 19, 221–222. doi:10.2307/347975
Database: JSTOR Arts & Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ThirdWorld

Bourguignon, E. (1955). [Review of the book Die werlschätzung der jungfräulichkeit: Zur philosophie der geschlechtsmoral, by O.  Nêmeĉek American Anthropologist, 57, 347–348. doi:10.1525/aa.1955.57.2.02a00150
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1955). [Review of the book Divine horsemen: The living gods of Haiti by M. Deren]. American Anthropologist, 57, 638–639. doi:10.1525/aa.1955.57.3.02a00260
Databases: CrossRef, JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, ResearchGate, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1954). [Review of the book Aspects of Culture and Personality by F. L. K. Hsu, Ed.]. Unpublished.

Bourguignon, E. (1954). [Review of the book Psychosis and civilization: Two studies in the frequency of mental disease by H. Goldhamer & A. Marshall]. Marriage and Family Living, 16, 280–281. doi:10.2307/348516
Databases: JSTOR Arts and Sciences II, OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online Library

Bourguignon, E. (1950). [Review of the book Die Bambuti-Pygmaën von Ituri, Vol. 2, part 2, by P. Schebesta]. American Anthropologist, 52, 85–87.

Bourguignon, E. (1950). [Review of the book La République d’Haiti by J. Verscheuren]. American Anthropologist, 52, 258–259.

Bourguignon, E. (1947). Ethnology and Ethnography [Review of the book The European and the Indian by H. Smith.] American Anthropologist, 59, 729. doi:10.1525/aa.1957.59.4.02a00310
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online


Haitian photographs by Erika Bourguignon (Paul and Erika Bourguignon Collection (ca. 1947–48). Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank.

Summary: The collection concentrates on three ecological areas where research was conducted: the city of Port-au-Prince and environs, the sugar plantations of the plain of Léogane, and the mountainous area of Furcy, where corn and coffee are the principal crops. These three sites differ with regard to topography, climate, crops, economic activities, social organization, religion, architecture and more. In addition, photographs are included of various sites visited during a road trip from Port-au-Prince: first west to Miragoâne then south over the watershed to Les Cayes on the south coast. The photographs are supplemented by a series of commentaries, four dealing with geographic locations, the others with topics drawing from information from several sites. Some later developments are noted parenthetically. The collection also includes photographs by Paul-Henri Bourguignon.


Erika E. Bourguignon obituary. Glazier, J. (2015). Erika Bourguignon (1924–2015). Anthropology News, 117, 883–885. doi:10.1111/aman.12363
Database: Wiley Online Library

Erika E. Bourguignon obituary. (2015, February 20). Remembering Erika Bourguignon. Center for Folklore Studies, The Ohio State University. TEXT ONLINE

Erika E. Bourguignon obituary. (2015, February 20). Remembering Erika Bourguignon. Central States Anthropological Society CAS Bulletin, 50, 2–3.


Erika E. Bourguignon obituary. (2015, February 22). Erika Eichhorn Bourguignon. The Columbus Dispatch.

Erika E. Bourguignon obituary. (2015, February 19). Emeritus Professor Erika Bourguignon, 1924–2015. Department of Anthropology Newsletter, The Ohio State University.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Hadley, G. (2014) Oral history interview of Erika Bourguignon, Ohio State University Archives Oral History Program.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank
Summary: Erika Bourguignon describes her career at Ohio State, beginning as an instructor in, and ending as chairwoman of, the Department of Anthropology. Bourguignon also describes her childhood, first in Vienna, Austria, where she was born in 1924. Her family eventually immigrated to the United States where she went to school in New York City. After graduating from Queens College, she eventually went to Northwestern University for her PhD. While working on her dissertation in 1948, she was hired as an instructor at OSU; she started during the winter quarter of 1949. During the interview Bourguignon describes her research, the various obstacles she faced in her career, her mentoring roles for other women, and her other leadership roles at the university.

Kushner, T. (2001). [Review of the book Exile: A Memoir of 1939 by B. Schneider. E. Bourguignon & B. H. Rigney (Eds.)]. Women’s History Review, 10, 541–542.
Database: Taylor & Francis Online

Rich, G. J. (1999). Erika Bourguignon: A portrait of the anthropology of consciousness. Interview in Anthropology of Consciousness 10, 2–3, 50–58. doi:10.1525/ac.1999.10.2-3.50
Databases: CrossRef, OCLC WorldCat, PhilPapers, Wiley Online Library
Summary: This is an interview with Erika Bourguignon, a presence in the anthropology of consciousness for decades. Her work has examined possession, altered states of consciousness, religion, psychological anthropology, and shamanism. Her own fieldwork in Haiti has been augmented by book-length comparative work with Lenora Greenbaum as well. In a 1996 article in Ethos, Melford Spiro notes that Bourguignon is a scholar who has resisted the trends of “postmodernists and interpretivists” and he describes her as “a preeminent psychological anthropologist as well as the premier anthropological authority on trance, possession, and altered states of consciousness.”

Csordas, T. (1999). Bourguignon wins lifetime achievement award. Anthropology News, 40, 31–32. doi:10.1111/an.1999.40.9.31
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, Wiley Online

Escoffery, J. A. (1999). An historical review of the contributions of Erika Bourguignon to cross cultural psychology. (Doctoral dissertation, Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies, Miami Institute of Psychology).
Summary: This dissertation examines the life and writings of cultural anthropologist Erika Bourguignon relating to altered states of consciousness and possession trance states. Her unique body of work on this topic is widely quoted in the psychological literature in reference to dissociational states. A brief review of the literature on altered states of consciousness prior to Bourguignon’s work establishes the conceptual framework that existed when she began her task. Following this, a review of her writings relating to possession, trance, altered states and dissociative phenomena is undertaken. Primary sources used for this study included Bourguignon’s books and articles published from 1954 until the present. The other primary source of information was Dr. Bourguignon herself who graciously communicated with me over a period of several months. Secondary sources of information regarding Vienna at the time of the Anschluss were obtained from general reading on that topic. Supplementary reading on Austrian history, the holocaust and the Jewish exile experience served to enhance the backdrop to Bourguignon’s life. Additional secondary sources were obtained from the archives at Ohio State University and provided a chronicle of Dr. Bourguignon’s career at that institution from Instructor in 1947 to Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology in 1999.
Databases: OCLC WorldCat, ProQuest

Bourguignon, E. (1982). An Interview. SojournerFeb/Mar, 9, No. 6, The Center for Women’s Studies, pp. 1–6. The Ohio State University.
TEXT ONLINE The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank

Segal, Jane. (1981). [Review of the book, A World of Women: Anthropological Studies of Women in the Societies of the World, by E. Bourguignon (Ed.)]. Women’s Studies Reivew, pp.1–2.

Hood, R. (1976). [Review of the book, Religion, Altered States of Consciousness and Social Change, by E. Bourguignon]. Review of Religious Research, 17, pp. 197–173. doi:10.2307/3510647
Databases: JSTOR, OCLC WorldCat

Bourguignon, Erika Eichhorn (1976). Autobiography listed in International Biographical Archives and Dictionary of Central European Emigrés, 1933–1945.

Bourguignon, E. (date?). Listed in An Encyclopedia of Pathbreaking Women at The Ohio State University, p. 38. The Women’s Place.

Bourguignon, Erika Eichhorn (date?). Listed in Who’s Who in the Midwest. Marquis Who’s Who, LLC.

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